Solar power is sustainable energy that can become an important part of a planet’s future energy needs. Solar panels are an important part of the whole process and there are many different ways to make them. In this blog, we will look at some of the various steps that are taken in order to make a solar panel. We will also look at the different requirements needed to make a solar panel. The solar panel manufacturing process can be described as the following steps: Cell sorting, cell scribing, cell wielding and stringing, laying up, defect testing, laminating, and cooling down or ready to be packed.







The manufacturing process for solar panels is an intricate process that requires many different steps to complete. First, the solar cells are sorted by voltage and size, in order to provide a more efficient panel. Next, the cells must be scribed or cut, in order to split them into two equal voltage pieces. After that, they’re welded, or cut, and have a protective layer added to them so they can be handled in the next stage. After that, the cells are strung, or wires threaded through the cells and attached to circuit boards and cells. After defects have been tested, tested again to determine if they’re “safe” enough to go inside the overall assembly when finished. The manufactured cells are then laminated together with 2 more layers of bonder ready for packaging into sheets or final assembly. Finally, the solar panel is packaged and ready to be sent to the client.

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